Network marketing is about connecting with people to serve their needs and, sometimes, their wants. Everyone is not the same type of person in your network, so a good "relationship artist" understands this and adjusts within their network accordingly.
An experienced network marketer and salesperson understand face-to-face selling makes up 77% of all sales. Many of these sales can occur in someone's home, where they are most comfortable and relaxed. When someone is comfortable and relaxed, they are less likely to have a strong guard against you and are more open to receiving the information you share with them. To properly build a network, you must be involved with a face-to-face type of organization. These organizations maintain an 80% share of network (word-of-mouth) marketing.
An experienced Leadership & Organizational Development and Change (ODC) subject-matter-guide (SMG) knows their network should consist of different types of people, as mentioned earlier. This is important because marketing is not about who is sitting in front of you at the time but about whom they have in their network that can drive your presence at least five (5) levels deep in their network. There are many different types of people to have in your network, but there are three (3) that are the most common: Connectors, Mavens, and Network Salespeople.
Connectors are simply people that have a factor for making friends and acquaintances quickly. These types of people simply know a lot of different types of people. Connectors can link you to everyone else in the city, maybe even the world. Cultivate a good networking relationship with Connectors because they can spread you around fast.
The Mavens in my network are living information databases. They keep information for years and stay updated with all the information they hold. They will help keep your industry and marketplace honest. So, know what you are talking about before you sit down with a Maven. They are knowledge data banks that are social glue. They can carry your message and spread it amongst their network quickly too.
Last but not least important is the Network Salespeople in your network. The Network Salespeople are your persuaders to their network. They draw people into their conversations and use their personalities to persuade unconvinced people to listen to them. Network Salespeople have a rhythm that synchronizes with people to capture their attention.
The Connectors, Mavens, and Network Salespeople are all important because they have a super reflex that connects with people in their networks. If you want to taproot (drive) five (5) levels deep with each person in your network, recognize and understand how to use all of them to your advantage. They will help you serve the masses and increase your business tenfold.