There are eight fundamentals that lead to employees trusting you in the workplace. When employees satisfy each driver, it leads them on a path with a positive outcome, such as energy release, boosted well-being, engagement, and improved performance.
1ST FUNDAMENTAL - CONNECTIVITY: When employees feel excluded in their work environment, they feel threatened. This affects their health and well-being. MAKE THEM FEEL CONNECTED to the rest of the team and organization.
2ND FUNDAMENTAL – PROJECTING SELF-RECOGNITION: Encourage employees to put their views and ideas across the workplace so they feel their contributions are recognized and appreciated.
3RD FUNDAMENTAL – SIGNIFICANCE WITH POSITION: Employees are continually assessing their role within their organization and the contribution they’re making. If employees do not feel valued, they will feel used and unwanted, which negatively impacts their performance. Negativity steals!
4th FUNDAMENTAL – UNIVERSAL FAIRNESS: An organization must treat employees fairly and consistently. If employees feel they are being treated unfairly, it can cause high-stress levels and low productivity. Negativity kills!
5TH FUNDAMENTAL – SENSE OF SECURITY: When employees are not secure in their position, then they will feel vulnerable. This hurts their performance and productivity levels. Negativity suppresses!
6th FUNDAMENTAL – LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Employees must continually learn so they can adapt to the ever-changing technical work environment. Research has shown that employees who feel challenged are more productive. Positivity creates!
7th FUNDAMENTAL –AUTONOMOUS CHOICES: Give employees a degree of control and the ability to make their choices because it helps them have a positive and effective work-life balance; thus, helping them improve their performance. Positivity builds!
8TH FUNDAMENTAL – PURPOSEFUL WORK: If employees have a clear sense of purpose and are aware of exactly what their contribution to the organization is, they become more engaged and productive.
These fundamentals are more important than profits. Organizations will earn profits whether they use these fundamentals are not, but sustained success and longevity of employees will not happen without them. Investment in your human capital is the solid foundation to build an organization. Once you set the forever foundation, building on it becomes easier!